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How do I setup the Altivar Process Drive to communicate over Ethernet IP?

173 views  August 20, 2024


How do I setup the Altivar Process Drive to communicate over Ethernet IP?

Product Line:

Altivar Process Drive (ATV630, ATV930, ATV650, ATV950, ATV660, ATV960, ATV680, ATV980)


All serial numbers for Altivar Process Drive




This FAQ will go over some basic settings to check. For a more detailed list of procedures on setting up the drive for Ethernet IP please reference the manuals attached.

EDS Files



  • What assemblies are you working with?
  • Drive should be setup for proper assemblies to match PLC
    • Assemblies must be configured using SoMove ONLY.
    • Compatible assemblies with the Process Drive are listed below:
      • Communication Scanner Assemblies (Default)
        • 100 and 101
          • (Input and Output Assemblies)
          • Works with IO Profile.
      • ​Other Drive Assemblies
        • 20: Basic speed control output
        • 21: Extended speed control output
        • 70: Basic speed control input
        • 71: Extended speed control input
          • When using assemblies 21 and 71 you must follow exact settings in the Command and Reference Menu or else EPF2 fault will appear on the drive
            \'\'103 and 104 - Allen Bradley Assemblies are not available on the Process Drive.
          • Do not work with IO Profile.
    • Once assemblies are configured correctly in PLC then proceed with drive settings.



Basic Settings

Programming on the Drive


  • Program Communication Settings:
    • [Communication] [Comm Parameters] [Eth Module Config]
      • IP Assignment Mode
        • Set to Fixed
      • IP Address
      • Subnet Mask
      • Gateway Address


  • Program Command Settings:
    • [Complete settings] [Command and Reference]
      • ​For command speed from Network, program:
        • [Ref Freq 1 Config] Fr1 - Set to [Com. Module] nEt (for ATV900 Set to [Embedded
          Ethernet] Eth
        • [Ref 1B switching] rCb - Set to [Ref Freq Channel 1] Fr1
        • [Control Mode] CHCF - Set to [Not separ.] SIM
      • ​​Video: Setting an Auto/Manual or Reference Switching on the Altivar Process Drives


  • Powercycle the drive



​Programming on SoMove

  • [Parameters List] [Fieldbus] [Slot A - Modbus TCP/EthernetIP]
    • Configure Ethernet Protocol
      • Set to Ethernet/IP
    • Configure drive for correct assemblies
      • ​Configure Drive Input/Output Data tables



  • Communicate with the Drive
    • Sending a command to the drive
    • Using IO Profile
      • Only works with Assemblies 100 and 101
      • [Complete Settings] [Command and Reference] [Control Mode] - Set to IO
      • Command Word - Register 8501
        Speed Reference Word - Registers 8502 (Hz) and 8602 (rpm)
      • 16 bit word (Bit 0, 1, 2..... 15)
      • Start/Stop must turn on bit 0
        • Write a 1 to start
        • Write a 0 to stop
      • Bit 1 to 15 are assignable like logic inputs
        • Example: To assign a fault reset to bit 2 - [Fault reset] - Set to C302 (Reference Programming manual for more details)


  • Using CIA402 (DriveCom Profile)
    • Works with other assemblies
    • [Complete Settings] [Command and Reference] [Control Mode] to [Not separ.] or [Separate]
    • Command Word - 8501
      Speed Reference Word - 8502 (Hz) and 8602 (rpm)
    • No 16 bit word
    • Start/Stop
      • Sequence of values must be written to the drive
      • 6, 7 and 15
      • Toggle between 7 and 15 to start and stop




For troubleshooting tips


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