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How to use TeSys T Custom Logic with SoMove

9 views  August 20, 2024

You will find in attach Presentation all basic step to create a custom Logic TeSys T motor management device T includes pre-defined modes and large possibilities to adjust parameters by configuring the product with SoMove. Before deciding to customize with specific Custom Logic, make sure you cannot meet customer needs with pre-defined mode and accurate configuration You can also easily change Input/Output behavior using only the Logic Input and Logic output dedicated area in pre-defined programs If Custom logic is really necessary, you will find in attached document the basic steps to create a Custom Logic In any case Input/Output behavior modification , generating specific TeSys T behavior, you must get from user a clear specification document ( paper format from customer ) defining exactly what they need and TeSys T behavior they would like to have. Custom Logic is generated under customer responsibility. You should also keep in mind TeSys T is not PLC  no watchdog, what is different TeSys T is motor management providing enhanced protection settings.
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